
Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite
By Anna Harwell Celenza
Illustrated by Don Tate

Turn a classical ballet into a jazzy, dance number? Duke Ellington is up to the challenge-but is his band of jazz musicians? This book, based on accounts of actual events, explores Duke Ellington’s ideas about taking the music of Tchaikovsky's famous Nutcracker and turning it into something new-the type of music
that is beyond category!

“We came here to play Music!”
-Duke Ellington

FREE Resources For All!
🖥 Jazz Meets Ballet-Videos, suggested listening, websites and more!
💿 Spotify Playlists-Jazz Meets Ballet and Tchaikovsky and Ellington

For Music Library Subscribers Only!

Mini Music Lesson

Learn four rhythmic patterns to play along with Duke and His Orchestra!


The Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite Box Includes:

Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite by Anna Celenza Harwell with Illustrations by Don Tate
Wooden Nutcracker
Paint and Paintbrushes
Access to Musical Story Time!

Music Library Bookshelf

Click on each book cover to find fun activity ideas, printables and more!